Results in numbers


TechEmerge has a proven track record of connecting innovators across the world with leading corporates and organizations in emerging markets to pilot solutions that address some of the globe’s biggest development challenges and build commercial relationships.




selected for matchmaking with leading companies in emerging markets.



participated in matchmaking with innovators



awarded funding and technical support to validate tech solutions with adopters



offered by TechEmerge to field test innovative technologies



raised by innovators who participated in the TechEmerge program

Results of completed programs

3 finalized programs: TechEmerge Health India, TechEmerge Health Brazil, and TechEmerge Health East Africa.

Group 3119

700,000+ Patients

Expected to benefit annually as a result of technologies deployed under the health program.

Group 2564

40+ Commercial contracts worth ~$2M

Signed by innovators and adopters/companies.

clicical sites

150+ Clinical sites on 3 continents

Hosted health pilots.

What our partners say

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“TechEmerge was part of our broader strategy to expand our business networks & ensure our sustainable cooling innovations meet the needs of the widest possible array of companies and sectors. As TechEmerge is a program from the International Finance Corporation, we also benefit from the organization’s 60 plus years of experience working with the private sector in emerging markets.”


Samit Jain, Managing Director

Innovator in:

Sustainable Cooling

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“The TechEmerge Health pilots have improved our footprint and brand in Brazil which is turning into a significant market for us. We generated two more commercial contracts in Brazil as Grupo Fleury and HSL served as our references”


Tom Valent, VP Business Development

Innovator in:

TechEmerge Health Brazil

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"Kobo360's business mission is driven by ingenuity and innovation, and we are proud to be partnering with TechEmerge participants to prove that temperature-controlled logistics can be affordable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly too, while growing vital sectors of the Nigerian economy and opening up new business opportunities across Africa."

kobo 360 logo

Ike Abiakam, Senior Partner at Kobo

Advisor in:

TechEmerge Sustainable Cooling Temperature-Controlled Logistics Nigeria

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"Teaming up with innovators worldwide is a win-win proposition that will lower our energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, create value for our customers, and ensure the sustainability of our business moving forward as we continue to expand our network. We are grateful to IFC for including us in their TechEmerge Program."

Ishaan Gupta, Director at Gateway Group (Snowman)


TechEmerge Sustainable Cooling Temperature-Controlled Logistics India

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“TechEmerge put us in contact with tech startups around the entire world that had very focused and effective solutions for the sorts of problems we were presented with. It was an exceptional opportunity.”

Dr. Edgar Gil - Executive Director – Medical, Technical & B2B


TechEmerge Health Brazil