Thierry Agagliate
Executive Director, In-Zone Inter-Faculty Center
Thierry Agagliate has been the Head of innovation for Terre des hommes since 2016, transitionning in July this year to a new exciting venture with Geneva University as Executive Director of In-Zone inter-faculty Center. With 20 years humanitarian and development experience, including 13 years oversea positions leading countries and regional operations across three regions - Eastern Europe, Asia and West Africa , for Handicap International first and then for Terre des hommes, Thierry has built a solid record developing innovative and lasting solutions. Social innovator but also early believer on the power digital revolution for development, Thierry has pioneered and led since 2006 several successful digital initiatives in the child protection, migration and health sectors. Thierry has the obsession of leveraging digital technologies to empower and improve performance of front-line professionals at a large scale and facilitate system transformation thanks to better a better use of data. Thierry is one of the co-founders of Integrated-e-Diagnostic Approach, born in 2010 and currently one of the most ambitious clinical e-health initiative in Africa serving 3 millions sick children every years.