mfore / Regency Healthcare
November 2016 - May 2017
Regency Hospital, Kanpur India
mfore partnered with Regency Healthcare to pilot mobile messaging–based services to efficiently engage patients in the city of Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, based on their specific care plans.

Regency Healthcare

Four specialties (ENT, Cardio, Pediatric and Neurosurgery) were part of the pilot scope
- 2,300+ patients were enrolled in the pilot
- The pilot serviced over 350 unique patients with 1,468+ prescription reminders
- 100% of clinicians who completed the provider satisfaction survey said that they would like to use the mfore service on an ongoing basis to improve their practice and increase patient satisfaction.
- 100% of clinicians said the service was successful in passing on instructions to patients regarding medicines, investigations etc.
- Doctors gave positive feedback on the mfore solution, reporting that patient counseling and reminders on prescriptions reduced side effects and instances of wrong dosage, and improved compliance and desired treatment outcomes.
Lessons Learned
The team experienced some challenges with patient enrollment, prescription capture training, and logistical and demographic issues related to feedback collection. Patient enrollment required strong marketing, patient counseling, and a structured appointment schedule to mitigate long wait times.
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