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ACES / Tessol
//= $title ? $title : get_the_title( $pilot ) ?>TechEmerge partnered with the Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold-Chains (ACES) in Rwanda, to test, develop, and demonstrate sustainable cooling solutions, particularly for health and agriculture.
Snowman and Tessol
//= $title ? $title : get_the_title( $pilot ) ?>Using phase change materials inserted in vehicle-mounted insulated containers, the pilot aims to maintain temperature control during intercity and last mile deliveries.
Chaldal and Tessol
//= $title ? $title : get_the_title( $pilot ) ?>This pilot aims to use passive cooling from phase change materials to eliminate the need for large refrigerated reefer trucks for part-load deliveries
L&Z Integrated Farms, Tessol, and Lange & Grant
//= $title ? $title : get_the_title( $pilot ) ?>Indian innovator Tessol is teaming up with Nigerian producer of fresh dairy products L&Z Integrated Farms and engineering company Lange & Grant to field test innovative phase change material (PCM) solutions in L&Z’s vehicles used to transport perishable products.
Cam Dairy, Tessol, Gricd and Lange & Grant
//= $title ? $title : get_the_title( $pilot ) ?>In this pilot, two innovators – Tessol from India and Gricd from Nigeria – are piloting complementary technologies. They are partnering with Cam Dairy and engineering company Lange & Grant to install Tessol’s PCM-enabled thermal storage solution in vehicles used to transport milk, ice cream and yogurt. Gricd’s real-time cold chain monitor will be used to gauge the performance and efficiency of the pilot.