Richard-Mark Mbaram Esq
Technical Advisor
Richard-Mark Mbaram Esq is the DG/CEO of Feed Nigeria Summit Secretariat. Previously he was a Technical Advisor to the Nigerian Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on Knowledge Management and Communications. Before this he was CEO/Editor-In-Chief of AgroNigeria - a sector-specific media and communications organization known as the "Voice of Nigerian Agriculture". He is a practitioner of International Development & has served in consultancy and management positions for major agro-economy based projects, as well as advocacy for the sector and its stakeholders. Some of his active engagements include the Nigerian Food summit & Expo in Kwara State, Nigeria, Feed Nigeria Summit, and the International Conference on Food Security (ICFS), facilitation of the Nigerian National Interpretation Working Group of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm-Oil (RSPO). He has been a member of the Agriculture Transformation Agenda (ATA) Media Advisory Team and he takes pride in being the organizer of the first Nigeria Agriculture Awards, dedicated to recognizing individuals, governments, and institutions who have contributed admirably to the development of Nigeria's agriculture, year-on-year.